Almost perfect is an American series that is almost perfect flyer broadcast on CBS from September 17, 1995 to October 30, 1996. The series focused on the professional life of the female executive producer of a television cop show, her witty, daring staff that doubles as her family, and initially, how she balances her role of propelling with her newly discovered romance with a busy assistant YES The series was created by Ken Levin, David Isaacs and Robin Schiff produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions and Robin Schiff's productions (Season 2 only) together with television P aramount Network.
Levin and Isaac have previously been known for their work as writers and producers of Cheers, as well as Wings that broadcast on NBC. Like the latter, "Almost Perfect" is related to an artistic aspect between the actor, which in this case was formed by the production team of the fictional police show (as opposed to the Nazzle ensemble - that of the bar staff and patrons) airport terminals).
CBS canceled the series only four episodes in its ottawa grocery flyers second season. Six remaining episodes broadcast on "Life" in December 1997, followed by re-releases of the entire series that appeared on the morning morning between the US in 1998 and 2001.
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